
Always donate for childrens

Lend a Helping Hand to Those in Need


Always donate for childrens

Lend a Helping Hand to Those in Need


Always donate for childrens

Lend a Helping Hand to Those in Need

Give  Back  TO  Community  .    
Welcome to GBTC

Helping each other can make world better

Our non-profit organization, established in 2023 by Nick Verma, is dedicated to giving back to the community and helping those in need. With our guiding slogan, "Let's Do It Together," we believe that collective effort is the key to making a positive impact on the lives of others.

Helped fund 10+ Projects in Madhya Pradesh , Benefiting over
2,450 Thousand people.

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Support for eating funds for hungry people

Education Support for eating funds for hungry people Lorem ipsum dolor


$0 Raised

Unlimited Goal

Let’s education for children get good life

Medical Let’s education for children get good life Lorem ipsum dolor


$0 Raised

Unlimited Goal

There are many variations of passages

Education There are many variations of passages Lorem ipsum dolor sit


$0 Raised

Unlimited Goal

Become a Volunteers

Join your hand with us for a
better life and future

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Join us for our upcoming events and make a difference in the community through our charity and NGO initiatives.

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Join our cause and volunteer with us to make a difference!.

  • Give back to your community and make a positive impact.

  • Connect with like-minded individuals & build relationships.

  • Gain hands-on experience in the nonprofit sector.

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Now is the perfect opportunity to make a meaningful impact. Donate today and change lives.

  • Make an impact today with your donations.

  • Help those in need during uncertain times.

  • Giving now can bring hope for a better future.

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Our Testimonials

What they are talking about Give Back to community.

Discover what people are saying about our charity and the impact it's making in the community.

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Recently asked questions

People are frequently asking some questions from us

Find answers to common inquiries about donating and supporting Give back to Community.

Learn how to get help

How can I get involved with Give back to Community?

You can volunteer, donate, or participate in fundraising events to support our initiatives and make a difference.

What kind of initiatives does your NGO support?

Our NGO supports various initiatives related to education, healthcare, and community development.

How can I find out more information about your NGO's impact and success stories?

You can find more information about our impact and success stories on our website and social media platforms.

How can I donate to Give back to Community?

You can donate online through our website or contact us for other donation options.

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    Projects funded

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    Kids need help

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    Our volunteers